Color Psychology for Branding and Marketing Business – Color psychology theory, related to branding and marketing, is indeed the most interesting thing to discuss as a business strategy. But this theory is also among the most controversial. Some people might ignore it, while others glorify them.

To find out what’s behind this phenomenon, let’s look at some public misunderstandings about this one theory!

Assumptions wrong about color psychology

Based on research published by the US National Library of the National Institutes of Health, we know that it is possible that colors do have an impact on our attitude because of personal preferences, experience, education, other cultural differences.

So, if people say yellow or purple can arouse certain types of emotions and make a market like your business brand, it is arguably uncertain as a reading of the palm or horoscope.

However, do not directly anti theories or concepts. Why? Because you still have to learn a lot and consider. Concrete answers do not guarantee whether a theory can be applied or not.

Indeed, abstract human psychology studies are enough to be broken down into detailed variables. The key is to find the most practical way to make your decision using color in your branding and marketing business.

What are the benefits of color psychology in business?

According to a digital business expert Neil Patel, many businesses with top brands constantly increase their knowledge about this color psychology. How does that happen? This is because colors can have an impact on increasing your sales or sales.

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Before you dive deeper into color psychology, you need to know that this theory does not mean you manipulate your customers or customers to buy what they don’t need.

Conversely, by choosing the right color, you can get more profits than your business competitors.

Applying this theory can also provide opportunities for you to convey messages effectively and meet your audience / market needs. Actually, the most important thing is you can improve your business branding.


If you choose to use yellow or yellow background, your customers will get a warm impression of branding. If you are in a business that requires strong community support, you can use this color in your brand. For example, also in coloring your merchandise for customers.


The enthusiasm and prominent impression is the effect of choosing this one color. If you want your product or service to attract people’s attention, you can choose orange.


Red is one of the strongest colors. If you choose this color, you can make a bold tone and maybe ambitious.

If indeed the message of the branding you want to convey is something different and inspiring, you can use this one color.

Coca Cola is one of the most successful examples of using red psychology in branding. Do you still remember the song in the ad aired in Media Indonesia titled “Open a new spirit”? The message or Coca Cola tagline is perfect with the color psychology strategy.

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Want to spur your customer’s imagination? Try using purple. In addition to spurring imagination, this color can create a creative impression.

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This is why, if you look at the infographics we share above, the brand involved in the entertainment sector uses it. Like one of the Sciefi television stations or Barbie doll producers.


Blue is usually used by large brands in technology or chemical business. Of course this is not without reason. Blue gives a strong and trustworthy impression. We also use blue in our branding to show that we are safe and reliable hosting providers.

Green color

One color is very close to the impression of continuing to grow / develop. In addition, green can also give a calm and peaceful impression.

Usually, green is used for non-profit organizations involved in saving the environment, such as Greenpeace. Or, it can also be used by television / media channels such as planetary animals abroad.

Monochrome color

Gray, black, or white included in the monochrome color group. Technically, black and white does not include color. Black is colorless, while White itself is the result of a combination of all the colors.

However, if you want to use it as a color choice, you can still give a certain impression about your branding. Professionalism, credibility, and tranquility are the implications. Automotive or technology companies usually use this monochromatic color.

Tips for Choosing Colors for Business Branding

A brand sometimes has more than one characteristic so it uses a combination of several colors in its brand.

Until now there have been two studies of color combinations associated with this theory. Some measure aesthetic responses, there are also those who see consumer preferences.

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However, of these two theories, it can be concluded that while most consumers prefer color patterns with the same color, others prefer pallets with color accents that are very contrasting to each other.

Remember, your goal is to make your visual message reach the crowd effectively. If your message is sent effectively, you can encourage conversion so that customers want to go further, namely to make transactions or buy your product or service. Or, for the sake of branding, maybe your goal is not to achieve sales, just to remember by the public with your values.


By reading our article about color psychology, you can be more confident in using it as a branding strategy and marketing for your business.

In essence, you need to identify your own vision and mission, what message you want to convey and what type of product / service you sell.


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