10 Tips to Increase Business Creativity and Productivity

BizGuru.me – By doing business, fresh ideas are needed that can lead to an innovation or breakthrough, resulting in high sales figures. It is undeniable that intense competition in the business requires a differentiation factor, where these differentiation factors can be a unique character of a business.

Fresh ideas can only be generated by creative businessmen. It can be said that the level of creativity also determines the level of productivity.

A company with constant innovation with changing times and changes is a good deal, regardless of the size of your business. Consult our articles on the importance of small businesses and startups.

Although sometimes we often hear that creativity is outside the existing rules system and can not be confined by standard rules, creativity is one thing that is directly proportional to the level of productivity, because creativity is the determining factor and distinctive between our company and other similar companies.

You can create good synergy if it is supported by space, time and qualified tools according to the characteristics of your business.

Here is The 10 Tips to Increase Business Creativity and Productivity.

The advice that will be described below will really help you to be more creative and productive, so your professional performance can improve significantly. These tips are also very useful for your employees to practice to improve their performance, which can in turn give your business an extraordinary production.

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The discipline

If you think the discipline is boring and has no effect on creativity and productivity, you are mistaken. Because when the discipline is applied to our daily lives, the level of creativity and productivity will increase immediately.

As a training to build muscles and body, creativity and productivity must be permanently driven to produce something good too.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Errors are a common thing for every businessman, especially for those of you who simply start a business.

If you are afraid of making mistakes, you will be so cautious in your actions that you lose your creativity and productivity.

Dare to be dirty, it’s good, not only an expression or slogan in an ad, but also a deep sensation, that if we dare to take the opportunities that exist, the possibility of rapidly increasing our company is wide open before us.

Create a comfortable workspace

If you think you have lost fresh ideas or are stuck in creating creative business ideas, it’s time for you to change your workspace, change the color of the walls in your room, change the layout Furniture or give a new ornaP key inside the room.

From time to time, you can complete a busy task outside the desk, many cafes, restaurants or parks, which you can use to explore fresh ideas or simply escape from the routine that sometimes glued your mind.

Creative and productive are closely linked and these two things sometimes have to be explored and discovered. Then hurry up!


If you are used to opening e-mails, check the job or message from the office in the morning, then eliminate these old habits. You can switch to meditation for a few minutes before opening the e-mail and perform the waiting task.

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You can also change the daily routine in the office, for example after lunch, you can meditate again before finishing desktop tasks.

Routines sometimes cause our creativity and productivity are limited, so do something different than usual.

Learn something new

Learn something new is sometimes very difficult for many business people. This can trigger you to be more creative and productive.

You can learn new methods in business. Explore all new knowledge can provide a lot, not only an overview and new and new horizons of knowledge and skills, but also increase levels of creativity and productivity.

Collaborate with other businessmen

Collaboration is a mix of ideas of several parts, the exchange of ideas and ideas, sometimes able to cause new ideas to emerge.

There are many businessmen with brilliant ideas, if we are able to share stories, discuss ideas with this type of businessman, so we can be sure that the level of creativity and productivity will increase sharply.

Comfortable with change

Change is a sure thing. Nothing lasts forever in this world, apart from the change itself.

Similarly with companies, every second can change quickly, if we understand it, we have put ourselves comfortable with this situation, we can then adjust the fluctuation of change, with a variety of creative and fresh ideas driving increased productivity in our business.

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To meet new people

Sometimes we have to meet new people so that our horizons of reflection receive new illumines.

There is nothing wrong with plan to meet new people, opening up new opportunities and opportunities, and even increase your creativity and productivity levels.

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Focus and complete concentration

Give Focus and a complete concentration on something, it is very necessary to produce something good.

Similarly with the creative process, it requires a complete concentration and a concentration in order to produce maximum production.

Spread passion and enthusiasm

Something positive is contagious. Likewise with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, spread something positive to the environment around you, keep in mind that creativity and productivity are very important things in business because they transmit benefits to the environment that surround you.

All that has been described in the following article can help you increase your creativity and productivity in business.

But the thing to remember is, do not push things too far, know your limits, do not go beyond and push yourself too hard because it can be bad.

Harmonize creativity and productivity in order to synergize, because these two things are closely linked to the success of your business. There is nothing more between the two, the two things are also important and will be closely linked if they are supported by good harmonization.

Give great energy to creativity, you will see this impact on increasing the level of productivity of your business. Be more creative and more productive!


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