Stock Investment Guide for Beginners – Stock Investment are one of the most profitable investment instruments. In Indonesia, as indicated in the Katadata website, it is indicated that stock performance in Indonesia is the second best of Asia-Pacific after India.

However, investments in actions can not be carelessly. For your novice investors in stock, there are stocks learning guides for beginners who need to be understood. What are some? Here is the magazine.

Research what types of stocks are profitable

For beginners who wish to learn from stocks, you must first know the types of stocks that are on the stock market. Here you must first know your character, whether you are a reckless person or a person who pays attention. It is important to minimize the risks for business failure when you later play stocks on the stock market later.

By choosing appropriate and cost-effective stocks, there are a number of things you need to be careful.

The first concerns the fundamentals of the company to buy. If the company is not very profitable, you should not choose it. The second is that you must be observed to see the development of the Company’s actions. Third, if necessary, ask the broker for review and advice.

Determine what your investment objectives

The second step when you learn inventories also determine what your goal is to invest and choose these stocks. These objectives may be short-term objectives in the medium term and long term. In stock experts suggest that you should choose medium-term investment goals.

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Why is that? If you decide to invest in the short term in addition to losing on the stock market, you will also lose because you have to pay broker fees. The short term mentioned here is for day trading. So, really think carefully about the investment time so as not to lose losses in the future.

Determine the value of the investment

Now you know when is the right time to sell and buy. Then, the next step to follow is to determine the amount or value of the investment you will invest.

For beginners who want to learn from stocks, it is better not to rush to buy stocks in large quantities. Currently, many stocks offer a fairly small capital of Rp 2 millions. Even some small titles offer equity investments for only RP. 500 thousand.

Then, so that you do not be miscalculated, it’s a good idea to invest only about five percent of your income at the beginning of the actions study. If this feels profitable, gradually increase the investment value. However, you should always consider risks.

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Also understand the advantages and disadvantages

The most important thing when you learn stocks consists of understanding the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of investment in stocks is that you will get dividends or sharing profits in cash or in the form of additional actions in a sufficiently large amount.

You will also benefit from the increase in stock prices. For example, if you purchase actions per share for RP. 2,000 and then sell them for RP. 2,500, of course, you will get a profit from RP. 500 for each sheet.

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Nevertheless, some risks must be taken into account. Among these risks, the existence of the loss of capital or investors sold at a price below the purchase price.

The second risk is the suspension or suspension of trading by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). When you are in this suspension period, you can not sell or buy shares until the suspension is revoked.

How, after following the Inventory Learning Guide above, are you ready now to move to investment in stocks? Investing in stocks will make your future better and you can even multiply the benefits of your business, just like the Warren buffet. Can be useful!

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