Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business – Consistency is very important in any field, it is absolutely necessary for each company. In order to accelerate companies using social media platforms, social media coherence will gradually have a very positive impact on the business race.

The market will do social media a source of confidence in information and commercial references. When they have made social media as a model in business, they are just a step by moving them to become customers or users of your products / services.

A precise description could be like waiting for your favorite magazine to be published in a certain period, for example, your favorite magazine is published Biweekly.

What do you feel? Of course, the feeling of impatience is waiting for the next edition, what stories will be in the last issue, which articles will be discussed, what news will be presented.

But no matter how much your curiosity increases, you are always patient to wait for it, because you realize that when it’s time to publish, the magazine will also arrive in your hands.

Imagine if your business social media were like these favorite magazines. Many people look forward to the content you are creating, many people are curious about your next social media message.

In the new era of social media as today, it is not enough to create good content, but also to share it on social media. The point is that you need to optimize all existing social media platforms. Find out how to write interesting and quality content.

Social Media for Your Business

Indeed, all social media are not suitable for business or commercialization of a product or service, but there is nothing wrong with trying all social media platforms until this that you find an appropriate platform.

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In what follows, we will discuss in depth by one that the social media that currently occur or are widely used by businessmen, both at the start-up level, entrepreneurs who are already established in the management of their activities.


Google+ is a social media platform created by Google, as part of Goiant Google Group, of course your messages will appear in Google’s search engine. Some tips, if you want to reach a wider audience, use hashtags (#) in each extension you do.

How does it work if a user looks for something related to the hashtag posted, they will be directed to your page. Interesting law?


Instagram is a place to share photos and videos uploaded with our followers or our followers on Instagram.

This platform allows us to pamper the visuals of contenses and our disciples via photos or videos we can synergize with words that support download.

Always create an attractive and creative business promotional content. Do not forget to use hashtags, which work a lot like hashtags on Google+, will make us earn more disciples.


LinkedIn is mainly used by professional professional networks, this social media platform allows its users to share links and information with their professional colleagues.

Although LinkedIn is actually difficult to market a particular product or service, LinkedIn is very good if we want to develop or restore our business because this platform allows us to know other businessmen who are in the same world Business.

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Twitter is one of the most open social media platforms, such as a blog but limited to 140 characters. Although mainly Twitter positions are in the form of text, it does not exclude the possibility of sharing photos and videos.

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The advantage of Twitter is that you can interact directly with other users and can connect each message with other social media platforms related to your business.

Some tips for producing quality content are, creating attractive hashtags, simple legends but invite people’s curiosity. It will be very useful if it will be used as a reference to develop our marketing content on Twitter.


Facebook is a place to share all kinds of things about life, news links, photos and videos. Optimize Facebook as a place to interact with customers. Facebook also allows us to create a “Facebook FanFage” which is usually a place to share all things related to businesses.

In fact, many people think that Facebook fanpage is more devoted to building the image of a company than the image of the product or the product service, but this opinion is slightly dissipated with the presence of Facebook ads.

Facebook advertisements are a solution for those of you who want to promote a product or service you have created, broadcast your propaganda, even age-based targets, demography and other criteria that you can easily include In your ADS Facebook Marketing Target, this is to prevent the announcement that you have served has been trusted targeted.


Tumblr is a social media platform where you can share everything from photos, text, videos and music. Users can create pages, reports blogs or other people in a personal page, users can combine all content with their own content.


YouTube is a special platform to share videos. YouTube is very interesting, if used as an addition to entering companies and products / services, tell us about the benefits of the company and products / services. Use hashtags to reach more customers and develop a market share. Also discover guides and tips for making vlogs for beginners.

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If you are new to explore social media in order to accelerate business development, a number of things at some time on all your social media platforms could be tired and take time.

You need something that can help you post on several social media platforms for both your business, with a neat and well-coordinated schedule. There are several websites that can help you do that happen, including and

You can associate your Media Social Business account with the application and create your publication schedule.

Hootsuite is optimal when associated with Twitter, while coschedule gives you a lot of convenience in managing all your social message schedules. Take advantage of the free trial service in both applications, which will really help you find the appropriate platform and able to meet your business expectations and goals.

Use social media as an effort to increase the number of sales and better commercial achievements. Especially if you are able to implement a social media engagement strategy.

Although research and research confirms that social media would always be in email marketing in terms of efficiency, there is nothing wrong with using all existing channels for the progress and continuity of the company we are pioneers.


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