– The status of the PKWT employee or the contract can only be made for a maximum of 3 years. Then, after this contract, employees will change their status to become permanent employees. However, the question is whether contract employees have to wait 3 years before becoming permanent employees? …
Baca Selanjutnya »5 Important Things on The Minimum Wage, You Must Understand! – Provide salaries or wages is the responsibility of the company for each employee. The amount of salary given is also strictly regulated and has a minimum wage value. This is important, so the company or employees can exercise their rights and obligations in a balanced way. In Indonesia …
Baca Selanjutnya »10 Tips and Tricks to Increase Customer Trust in Online Business – Customer trust is very important in Online Business. We will never have conversion in selling product if the customer don’t have trust to us or our product. We have 10 ways, tips and tricks to increase customer trust in online business. Below this! 1. Pay attention to goods …
Baca Selanjutnya »The Difference Between Unicorn, Decacorn and Hectocorn – Startup is a company that has just started and is in the development phase, usually still in their baby and digital based. Along with the appearance of startup in Indonesia, you may often hear the term unicorn decacorn and hectocorn. Actually, what is the difference between Unicorn, Decacorn, …
Baca Selanjutnya »The Importance of Blogs for Online Business – Building business today can start anywhere. Various types of business are also available and easily accessible due to the advancement of the times. Especially when talking about online business. Creating a blog for your online business is a good way to build your business. Technological advances and internet …
Baca Selanjutnya »Examples of Globalization Occur in The Economy
Have you ever heard of the term economic globalization? What was you in your mind when you heard this term? In order to better understand the meaning, consider the explanation by example of globalization in the economic field. In general, the meaning of globalization in the economic field is the …
Baca Selanjutnya »10 Ways to Start a Home Business to Succeed Quickly – Many people have the desire to own their own business, but are hindered by the capital required. The best solution is to start a home business. You can enjoy empty spaces in the house such as the yard, garage and cooking to start running a business. By using …
Baca Selanjutnya »Multi Bisnis, Multi Income? Simak Kultwit Berikut Ini – Kali ini BizGuru merangkum sebuah kultwit dari Putu Putrayasa mengenai Multi Bisnis dan Multi Income Baik kita mulai yuk? saya mau tanya dulu, siapa yang disini saat ini, punya hanya satu sumber penghasilan? #Survey Apakah memiliki satu penghasilan cukup? itulah pertanyaan saya sewaktu kecil, ketika melihat begitu banyak …
Baca Selanjutnya »Online Salary Slip System and Practical Benefits That You Must Know! – When time for payroll arrived, the company must give money to its employees. This gift can be given directly, or sent through a bank account owned by the employee. Of course, then the salary must also be accompanied by a payment slip. This process can be done more …
Baca Selanjutnya »What is SWOT Analysis and How to Use It – When you are about to create a business, you must plan in advance. In addition to determining the product, the brand name and the budget, it is a good idea to estimate where you stand in relation to your competitors. For those of you who are currently studying …
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