Emotional Marketing Strategies for Business Success

BizGuru.me – If you are looking for a complete guide to emotional marketing as a business strategy, you must read this article. We will discuss that emotional marketing is, why it must be applied to your business and how advice is for your marketing message to be effective and that your brand and your sale can increase!

What is emotional marketing?

Emotional marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to evoke market emotions used as recipients of marketing messages and targets.

In many cases, the goal is to evoke positive emotions associated with a brand / brand or business.

However, it is true that, in some cases recently, messages have been intentionally created to cause unpleasant or negative emotions (marketing messages like this are usually related to humanitarian or social problems).

Why should you apply emotional marketing?

There is a lot of research on the power of emotions that make us feel that this strategy is important to at least you businessmen to know, whether it’s a marketing or non-marketing perspective.

A Brain Juicer Labs emotional emotional marketing journal showed a number of psychological studies and investigative data on the emotional responses of people to various types of advertising of the Institute of Advertising Practitioners (IPA).

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The conclusion is to understand the power of marketing, we need to understand how our brain makes decisions based on a given stimulus. Behavioral psychologists decomposed this process into two separate systems as follows!


This fast system means that decision-making is intuitive, perceptive and very fast. This also happens unconsciously, which means being completely unconscious. Unlike more rational systems on slower systems.

Slow system

Slow systems are the analytical and regulated part of its decision-making and what we think is used exclusively. It is the rationality of the human brain that can help understand and solve the daily problems and dilemmas in the world around us.

These are these systems that work to produce associative impressions, feelings and emotions in our brain that make us react to certain things in some ways. These systems also influence a person’s decision-making, including your public marketing.

Take a more in-depth review of the ability to influence the system that we think can play an important role in developing a strong and efficient business marketing strategy.

Not only for types of B2C marketing, B2B also needs emotional marketing

Many business people assume that the two marketing systems we mentioned previously affect only the B2C target market, while B2B marketing is more appropriate in a conventional way that does not really involve the psychological aspects of the public such as that emotional marketing.

A CEB Marketing Leadership Council study with Google has shown that marketing with an emotional strategy is more effective in encouraging target markets to make decisions on B2B. Thus, the hypothesis that B2C only needs emotional marketing techniques.

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Hundreds of B2C brands studied, emotional relationships with consumers tended to be between 10% and 40%. Seven of the nine B2B brands studied exceeded the score of 50%.

B2B buyers were almost 50% more known to be able to buy a product or service when they saw a personal value (ie a career or trust and pride advancement opportunity of their choice).

But of course, the implementation of the commercial strategy usually performed by B2C is not easy for B2B. You must be prudent. To do this, follow the advice we provide below for your marketing!

Also Read: Dos and Don’ts in Internet Marketing

Emotional marketing advice to increase the brand and sale

We recommend that you understand the basic human psychology, especially those related to emotional marketing as follows!

As for the characters of the film, the five emotions are:

  • Disgust
  • Fear
  • Feel happy
  • Sadness
  • Feelings of anger

Emotions are not only expressions / feelings but can also affect a person’s decision-making. By provoking the feelings of your audience, emotional marketing can work. You simply choose what kind of emotion you want to associate with your marketing message.

An example is like the next video. The feeling you want to treat is a mix of various emotions, namely sadness and anger.

How do you also feel these two emotions when looking at it? If you think it’s bad enough to leave or ignore animals, you have successfully received the message that the content creator has sent you.

Pleasure can trigger people to share more

People who feel good after receiving your emotional marketing message are likely to share pleasure. The pleasure also implies that customers are happy or feel satisfied with your brand / company.

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Mediocre marketing content leads people to more clicks

The content that evokes negative emotions tends to attract people’s attention. But in this case of emotional marketing, not necessarily that people want to share / share with other people that they know about social media or other digital platforms they have.

The feelings of fear or resulting shock give an emergency to do something / act

This case is useful for transmitting community service messages or non-profit / social / activism. Scary content becomes viral very quickly. But you should be careful not to be too controversial for people to hate your brand / company.

Content that makes you angry or disgusted can invite a lot of comments

These two emotions are probably hard to spurs because they need a very strong message from your emotional marketing. It is also rarely used by well-known brands or businesses around the world.

However, you must remember that the emotional attraction of business marketing really risks, which may be the reason why some brands still evolve this creative strategy.

Exceeding it with an emotional call can scare and feel handling to your audience, which can erode the trust and reliability you were trying to transmit.

Do your marketing right, will your emotional marketing succeed with the content that is transmitted effectively. In addition, your prospects are well built!


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